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What is it?

I can offer an enjoyable and intriguing fitness check up or MOT which is a simple way of measuring functional fitness including strength, balance, BMI and flexibility.

Why bother?

It's an opportunity to take a snapshot of your functional fitness and see how you compare to your peers of the same age and gender; if you're above average - keep on doing what you're doing, if below then take action now to improve. It could be an objective measure of fitness if you're about to undergo an operation to compare 'before' and 'after'.

What is functional fitness?

"Functional Fitness performance is having the physiological capacity to perform normal everyday activities safely and independently without undue fatigue”. (Rikli & Jones 1999)

What happens?

  • You complete FFMOT Assessment (about 20 minutes)

  • We discuss the results - what you did well and any areas for improvement

  • You decide the next steps, I can help with tailored guidance for you if you wish or it may be no further action required


Is this another fad, who's designed this?

No, this is not a fad. This simple effective idea was developed in 2011 by Professor Dawn Skelton, Glasgow Caledonian University & Later Life Training (LLT). In June 2014 the FFMOT was included as one of the 20 new ideas from UK universities that will change the world. LLT are sector leading experts in the delivery of evidence based exercise programmes for older people, stroke survivors and people living with dementia. Trust Me, I'm a Doctor featured Professor Skelton's work on improving core strength and balance.

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